BOM Studio

Multisource-based creation of individual bills of materials

Bills of materials (BOMs) are essential for the implementation of projects in mechanical and plant engineering. They are used for costing, trigger orders and internal production orders and serve as the basis for after-sales service. Errors in BOMs inevitably lead to project delays, additional costs, extra work and – not to forget – customer complaints and an associated loss of image.

The scope and growing complexity of products are leading to an increase in the number of sources and input formats that make up BOMs. In addition, more and more departments and disciplines require customized bills of materials, both in terms of content and output format. Manually creating and managing these BOMs is error-prone and time-consuming and requires a great deal of experience from employees, often engineers. They then lack this time in the projects.

Some companies are aware of this problem and have already developed their own applications or Excel macros to get to grips with the confusion of BOMs. However, a disadvantage of these solutions is often that sustainable support and documentation as well as flexibility with new rules or sources cannot be guaranteed. This raises the question of how secure and effective this approach really is.

BOM Studio: Tailor-made bills of materials

BOM Studio is the professional solution for all these challenges. This freely configurable software enables access to the required information from the desired sources - without delay, 100% traceable and error-free, and with minimal staff involvement.

The data is harmonized, recompiled based on definable rules and output in various formats. BOM Studio can be flexibly adapted to new requirements, sources and additional file formats.


BOM Studio workflow

In simple terms, BOM Studio takes data from a wide variety of sources. They can be expanded or adapted at any time or can be omitted. The information collected in this way is converted into a neutral format and can then be transformed, combined, filtered and much more without programming. These rules can be saved and executed manually or automatically based on triggers. The compiled data is then output as a specific BOM to various target systems or in typical formats such as CSV or XML.

BOM Studio modules


The BOM Studio Architect is used to create configurations and rules for processing the input data. It also defines the triggers that initiate automated processes. The graphical user interface enables intuitive operation without the need for programming knowledge.


The BOM Studio Administrator is responsible for managing the users and assigning the permissions. This ensures efficient organization and security of data processing.


The BOM Studio Clients manually start defined workflows. The processes are executed via a central server to ensure smooth and effective workflow control.

Download the BOM Studio folder

Do you have any questions and are you interested in BOM Studio? Get in touch with us. We will be happy to show you the advantages of BOM Studio and make you an interesting offer.

How can we support you?

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CAD Partner GmbH
Am Marktplatz 7
93152 Nittendorf
Tel.: +49 9404 9639-21
Fax: +49 9404 5209
E-mail: info(at)